søndag 14. februar 2016

Scene 02

Here is my WIP from scene 02, I spoke with my client and he wanted the MagnoJack to be seen inside of a container at some point during the commercial.

Therefore, I the scene is set inside of a container. I look a little boring at the moment but keep in mind that there will be a voice over playing in the background.

when I worked on this scene I realized that there were some issues with the wheels at the back of the model.

The pivot point was set wrong so that the y rotation did not work.
Because of this, I had to go back and do the wheels over again in the reference file.

When I tried to change the pivot point on the ctrl_curve, the geometry followed. Because of this, I ended up just deleting the nurb curve and making a new one. On the new curve I sat the pivot point to its proper place, then I parent constrained the frame holding the wheel to the curve and parented the wheel grp to the frame.

Now I am able to rotate the wheel as I wish without it looking weird.

I discovered this problem after me and a couple of my co-student were shooting reference footage for another project. We used a stretcher that had the same type of wheels. I filmed it to have some reference available

mandag 8. februar 2016

Scene 01

After all the changes that have been made to the commercial I had to make new animations.

There is going to be two different scenes where the MagnoJack is demonstrated whilst working.

This is where I am at with scene one at the moment.

The rig is working, but I might go back and do some minor changes to is. When animating I am referencing in the rig to the work scene.  

fredag 5. februar 2016

Something new

After all the feedback and all the thinking, I did some major changes to the commercial. I have split it up into six different scenes and sent it over to the soundtrack people so they know the timing of what they are working with.

It looks horrible as it is a combination of playblasts and test transitions in After Effects, but it does the job at this stage.

The timing of the words will change a little as I am timing it to the new voice over. It is easier for me to time the appearance of the words to the voice over than it is for the speaker to time the words to the visuals.

mandag 1. februar 2016

New intro

I have been working on a new intro for the commercial!

I got a tip from one of my teachers to check out kinetic typography, I did and I really liked it. I think it works well with the context of my commercial when I get the impression that the words are stacking themselves on top of each other. 

I haven't decided if this is the exact colors that are going to be used. This is something that I probably will work more on when I start to compose the commercial in AE. The color change is a quick fix when I have decided on what to use.

(The voice over is temporarily just to see how I can time the appearance of the words to it)