søndag 14. februar 2016

Scene 02

Here is my WIP from scene 02, I spoke with my client and he wanted the MagnoJack to be seen inside of a container at some point during the commercial.

Therefore, I the scene is set inside of a container. I look a little boring at the moment but keep in mind that there will be a voice over playing in the background.

when I worked on this scene I realized that there were some issues with the wheels at the back of the model.

The pivot point was set wrong so that the y rotation did not work.
Because of this, I had to go back and do the wheels over again in the reference file.

When I tried to change the pivot point on the ctrl_curve, the geometry followed. Because of this, I ended up just deleting the nurb curve and making a new one. On the new curve I sat the pivot point to its proper place, then I parent constrained the frame holding the wheel to the curve and parented the wheel grp to the frame.

Now I am able to rotate the wheel as I wish without it looking weird.

I discovered this problem after me and a couple of my co-student were shooting reference footage for another project. We used a stretcher that had the same type of wheels. I filmed it to have some reference available

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