lørdag 31. oktober 2015


I have started to test out how I can show the CFC-gas leaving a broken refrigerator. I want to show  one or more examples of ways a refrigerator can be damaged and then cut into a close-up of one of the broken pipes where the CFC "escapes"

I have just been playing around with som squash and bend to make it look like it has to struggle a little bit. I want to give the feeling that it is actually escaping from the pipe since this leak of this gas actually is illegal.

From here I am thinking about following the bubble in a high speed upwards until it crashes into the ozone layer. Eighter this or I cut to a frame where you see the bubble rising from a top view. I am going to do some tests and see what is most efficient.


mandag 26. oktober 2015

Project description

For this project, my aim is to create an animated commercial for a product called MagnoJack. The commercial will be simple, informative and hopefully enhance sales. The commercial will be a 20-40 seconds long sequence with animation, text, models and voice-over. There will be a royalty free soundtrack playing in the background and a voice-over that explains the product and its use whilst the animations is running. The voice-over manuscript will contain information from the MagnoJack webpage. Following I have provided information about the product.

MagnoJack is a "Sack Truck" specially designed for handling household appliances.
The simple but robust construction makes this the best trolley for handling big household Appliances that has ever been introduced to the market.
This is the tool that should have been invented when the first appliances were sold many years ago.
The Technology is patented in Japan, Europe, and the USA. Patent pending in Canada, Australia and in several Asian Countries (www.magnojack.com



Here is a moodboard that shows my main focuses for this commercial.  

  • Health
  • Environment
  • Savings

My next step now, is to write a manuscript for the voice over. Before I can start on that I have to do more reaserch on the industry and look at different examples of commercials that use the same method that I want to use.