søndag 6. desember 2015


Lately, I have been trying to figure out how I am going to show the CFC circulating in the refrigerator and how I am going to animate this. Because CFC is an invisible gas and doesn’t evoke any odor I figured I would just make simple spheres that move inside of the pipes. I talked it over with my father, and he approved of the idea. The point of this shot is simply to demonstrate that the refrigerator contains the gas and that it will leak if the appliance gets damaged.
I ended up drawing a curve and extruded a cylinder along it. This cylinder is now the pipe and the curve inside of it I made into a motion path for the spheres.
Then I made enough spheres to fill the whole piping system before I looped the animation. 

To make the spheres “escape” from the pipes, I drew 3 more curves that went outside of the refrigerator and created new motion paths out of them. I wasn’t sure about how to make the spheres change from one motion path to another, especially when I had made the animation infinitely. To solve this, I duplicated the spheres when they were at the root of the new curve and connected the new ones to the new motion paths. I turned off the visibility on the original at the same time that I turned in the visibility on the duplicates and it now looks like the spheres are exiting the pipes leaving the refrigerator emptied from CFC.
I don’t know if this was the most efficient solution, but I achieved what I wanted from it.

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