søndag 13. desember 2015

earth + map

I have been playing around with an idea lately. I just had to test it out and I am actually really happy with the result that I gained when I tested it.
I recently watched an After Effects tutorial on YouTube that showed you how to make a flat map fold itself. I really liked the simple look of it and I started playing with ideas on how to implement it in my own work, being that I really wanted to test it out.
In my commercial there is a scene where we see the earth and then zoom in on it, focusing on the great wall of china. After a few seconds, the camera zooms out again. But what if, when we zoom out the earth fold out and turn into a flat map. This map could be folded and end up in the shape of a refrigerator and would make a smooth transition to the next scene that actually is a refrigerator.
I tried it, and I liked it. I showed it to my father and he really liked the idea too.

To make this happen, I had to make a round object turn into a flat object. First I tried folding a plane around a sphere, hoping that I could create something from that. It didn’t work and it looked bad. Then I tried to fold out a sphere and played with blend shapes, but that didn’t work either. Lastly, I found a solution that was easy and worked perfectly.
I simply made a plane, created a nonlinear bend two times going in two different directions. Then I bended them both 180 degrees and voila I had a sphere!
This is the result of my first test.

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