tirsdag 3. november 2015

Test modelling

I have started on the MagnoJack model, and this is what it looks like so far. When modelling I realise that I need more photos of the product for reference. I am not sure jet on how detailed I want/need it to be. This is something that I will discuss with the owner of the product. This model is only to get a basic understanding of how it looks and works. If the target audience that I am aiming for want to see the actual product there will be added a link to MagnoJack's web page at the end of the commercial. This will provide a better product description. It is off course my goal to make as many as possible visit this web page and buy the product. The commercial will focus more on the reasons why this should be used and not so much on it's construction, other that what needs to be said to understand it's use.

Here are some of the reference footage that I am working with at the moment. I am going back to Norway for Christmas and then I get a chance to take a couple more and try out the product. I am also thinking about waiting a little bit with this model and continue on it while I am in Norway. That gives me a greater opportunity to see everything that I need whilst modelling since my father has one of the demo models at our home.

I have made an alpha map for the metal plate to save geometry. I did this using photoshop creating my own pattern. This pattern is repeatable so that it is easier for me to at it on the different shapes that I am going to use it for. I am going to use the same method for the logo that is right over the magnets.

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